Wet days ‘time to get stuff done’ for some students

November 10, 2008 by  

Meteorologists are forecasting more heavy rains resuming Monday and continuing through Remembrance Day and into Wednesday. 

In addition, there will be some strong winds tomorrow, starting from western Vancouver all the way through to the north, according to the local weather network.

Sean Kramer, a second-year business student at Kwantlen, thinks students should see these wet days as an opportunity to buckle down and catch up on late assignments. 

 “I don’t think it’s bad at all. I am just going to take it easy, finish up some chapters and finish hard for the remaining few weeks of the semester. I am kind of behind school a little bit, so I see the rainy days as the time to get stuff done, since I can’t really do much outside in the rain,” Kramer said.

According to Brian Crowe, an assistant engineer for City of Vancouver, the problem right now is fallen leaves clogging up sewers. “Leaves are always a problem at this time of the year, but we have street crews who do their best to clear the basins,” he said.  

Crowe added it would be helpful for the city and every one else, if folks would clear leaves in front of their houses and businesses to prevent clogged drains and flooding.


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