Comments on: Federal candidates come to campuses this week Produced by Kwantlen Polytechnic University journalism students Mon, 03 Dec 2012 17:02:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Lee Steve Lee Mon, 29 Sep 2008 04:06:44 +0000 The KSA is also organizing a series of debates focusing on the issue of post secondary education. Unfortunately, even though we have the support of Kwantlen's senior administration, we didn't know about the Criminology organized debates - it would have been nice to have worked with them. But perhaps it will give more students an opportunity to meet candidates in their riding. Ads for the KSA debates will be posted in the days to come. - S The KSA is also organizing a series of debates focusing on the issue of post secondary education. Unfortunately, even though we have the support of Kwantlen’s senior administration, we didn’t know about the Criminology organized debates – it would have been nice to have worked with them. But perhaps it will give more students an opportunity to meet candidates in their riding. Ads for the KSA debates will be posted in the days to come.

- S
