Comments on: Journalism program changes, Chronicle does too Produced by Kwantlen Polytechnic University journalism students Mon, 03 Dec 2012 17:02:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Lee Steven Lee Sun, 18 Sep 2011 18:22:47 +0000 That's too bad. The KSA is having a referendum to combine all of their individual dedicated fees, including the student publication fee (which was initiated by student petition which resulted in a referendum passing to have the new fee implemented a few years ago) into one general fee. The KSA has spoken out about the Runner, which is produced through that publication fee, as the Runner has done its job and been critical of the KSA thru the stories it has published. Should the referendum pass, the KSA could move quickly to cut funding to the Runner which would result in no student press at Kwantlen. That’s too bad. The KSA is having a referendum to combine all of their individual dedicated fees, including the student publication fee (which was initiated by student petition which resulted in a referendum passing to have the new fee implemented a few years ago) into one general fee. The KSA has spoken out about the Runner, which is produced through that publication fee, as the Runner has done its job and been critical of the KSA thru the stories it has published. Should the referendum pass, the KSA could move quickly to cut funding to the Runner which would result in no student press at Kwantlen.
