September 28, 2008 by Alicia-Rae Light
They ripped it up in Cloverdale Friday, at one of the biggest KSA-sponsored events of the semester. Kwantlen students and other music fans turned out for headliners Sloan, Daniel Wesley and Ten Second Epic — and other bands — at the all-ages event. We’ll be adding to our coverage over the next few days. To start, here’s a photographic look at some what happened.

Ten Second Epic's guitarist rocks out on stage for the band's final song of the evening. (Alicia-Rae Light photo)

Nick Goy, lead vocalist of alternative rock band Exit 200, sings his heart out for fans. (Cori Alfreds photo)

Twelve-year-old Mishel Salum of Childsplay assures the crowd that the future of rock’n’roll most definitely isn’t at stake. (Cori Alfreds photo)

Sloan plays the final act of the evening, concluding a successful third annual Cram Jam. (Nick Major photo)

Local twin sisters from Cloverdale celebrate their birthday at Cram Jam 2008. (Alicia-Rae Light photo)

Diehard fans fire up their lighters in support of up-and-coming Vancouver based artist, Daniel Wesley. (Cori Alfreds photo)
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