Web-based scholarships a Google search away

November 5, 2009 by  

Kwantlen students looking to avoid post-secondary debt may want to check out some of the many scholarships available through the web.

While most Kwantlen-advertised scholarships and bursaries offer students the chance to earn post-secondary cash, web-based scholarships are often less popular, and the chances of receiving the prize may be much higher.

Websites such as B.C. Student Aid offer a large variety of scholarships, including opportunities such as exchange programs and conferences, with application processes as simple as short essays and submission of grades.

For instance, one scholarship, the Chinese Government Scholarship, will give one student the opportunity to study in the People’s Republic of China. The scholarship will include tuition, accommodations, living expenses and school materials. The Chinese government will also be handing out a small number of partial scholarships.

While most awards tend to be introduced in early summer, in order to give recently graduated high-school students an equal opportunity, many are available year-long. And, they are not always based on GPA.

Opportunities are available to students from specific cultures, students with medical issues and those with backgrounds in different countries. Some students may even come across awards based on their parent’s employment. For example, the All-Nations Trust Company offers 10 awards of $500 each year to aboriginal students, based on community involvement and academic standing. The B.C. Epilepsy Society also awards students, with scholarships of $1,000 available specifically to students with epilepsy.

Using Google to search for “B.C. scholarships” will give you large lists of public and private companies offering scholarships to students.

B.C. Student Aid and other award-posting sites update throughout the year, and most opportunities have cost-free application processes available.


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