KSA gets students to give to Haiti, will try to match donations
January 19, 2010 by Abby Wiseman

Reena Bali said that the KSA will try to match every dollar raised for World Vision's Haiti effort.
In an effort to raise money for Haiti, the Richmond campus Kwantlen Student Association exchanged cereal for donations to World Vision yesterday.
Reena Bali, Richmond campus director, said the KSA no goal for the amount of money it wants to raise, but said that the KSA will try and match every dollar donated.
“We’re just hoping for anything, because for them even a little is a lot,†said Bali.
The KSA had originally planned a free toast and warm breakfast for students, but with the crisis in Haiti they decided to change the breakfast into a fundraiser.
The KSA at Richmond campus will be accepting donations until the end of the week, and urges people to donate whatever they can to World Vision or a similar charity.
Bali also advises people to research the charities to make sure that all the proceeds go towards the people of Haiti.
As the KSA RIchmond’s Deputy Director of Events & Outreach, I am pleased to announce that we are extending the collection of donations until the end of Friday, January 29, 2010. All KSA campus councils will be accepting donations until the same date.