Audio: Kwantlen Chronicle podcast, volume two

October 18, 2010 by  


Talysa Dhahan and Brian Russell discuss parking at the Surrey campus, and listen to what students have to say about the situation, as well as covering the CIBC Run for the Cure, which took place on Oct. 3.


One Response to “Audio: Kwantlen Chronicle podcast, volume two”

  1. John on October 18th, 2010 9:03 am

    When the reserve parking spaces fill up in peak periods, those suckers who paid extra for reserve passes are left wandering around looking for spaces just like the rest of the drivers. Kwantlen sells many more passes than there are spots, which further disincentivizes people from using the reserve parking system.

    I’l reiterate again that when pay parking was first implemented in the late 90s, it was explicitly stated that proceeds would go to paving the gravel lot and building a parking structure in Richmond. Impark abuses their secret contract with Kwantlen to take all of the money for themselves. For example, every sign in every parking lot is replaced at the behest of Impark, and at the expense of Kwantlen, usually above the actual value of the sign.

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