Kwantlen Students reflect on Remembrance Day

November 12, 2010 by  

Do you think that Remembrance Day is losing its significance?

Mystica Lopez De Leon: “Maybe because more veterans are going, and then they’re not really here to remind us of what’s actually happening. But then, I guess we should look to the new generation that’s fighting elsewhere.”

Ryan Calasin: “I do think it has, because most of my friends, they just studied, they just did their homework, just partied last night.

Peter Coombs: “It’s very significant. From what I saw in the media, there was a lot of young people showing up. I don’t think it’s lost its effectiveness.”

Colin Pearson:”It was a personal day for me. My parents are at an age where they did participate in WWII… other than that, it was just a holiday-type day.”

Jack Yao: “I don’t know anybody who celebrated it, but I see a lot of people wearing the [poppy].”


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