Composting pilot project recommended as result of Kwantlen’s garbage audit

December 14, 2010 by  

Environmental protection technology students go through garbage at the Richmond campus. (Photo by Mike Ferko)

Kwantlen’s environmental protection technology students have drafted recommendations for how Kwantlen could better handle garbage, based on results of their 2010 waste audit.

On Oct. 19, a two-day garbage audit was conducted at the Richmond campus to gather information that would later determine whether a composting program would be beneficial.

According to Kelsey Hynes, a second-year EPT student, implementing a fully structured composting program is a lengthy process.

That’s why Hynes has recommended a three-year pilot project, which would start within the EPT program, to see how manageable composting is for a smaller group.

According to the draft, “Faculty should be trained to properly dispose compostable organic waste. Students should be aware of the composting disposal system. Education of the public is necessary for this to work, since there are so many items that can be composted.”

The report states that 73 per cent of material disposed in the cafeteria alone is compostable. It further proposes that the cafeteria use biodegradable cutlery, along with biodegradable plates and napkins.

The report suggests that Sodexo should contribute to a composting program by providing containers for food scraps, as that would help reduce the percentage of compostable waste found in the garbage.

A successful composting program would mean a reduction in the amount of waste entering the garbage stream. As well, “Compost can produce fertile soil which can be sold to those who need it,” according to the report.

The draft indicates that the cost to begin composting operations will be recovered, since the garbage company that currently picks up Kwantlen’s trash charges by mass and almost 40% of the overall garbage produced is compostable waste.

The task of implementing a fully functioning compost program isn’t going to happen over night.

Paul Richard, chair of the program, says that more research ought to be done.

“There’s always more research that could be done.”


2 Responses to “Composting pilot project recommended as result of Kwantlen’s garbage audit”

  1. Vermiposting Composting With Earthworms on December 14th, 2010 10:36 am

    [...] Composting pilot project recommended as result of Kwantlen's … [...]

  2. Tweets that mention Composting pilot project recommended as result of Kwantlen’s garbage audit : Kwantlen Chronicle -- on December 14th, 2010 11:55 am

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Inman, Todd. Todd said: Composting pilot project recommended as result of Kwantlen's …: The report suggests that Sodexo should contrib… [...]

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