Criminology club to make a comeback
March 9, 2011 by Jocelyn Gollner · Leave a Comment

Leah Godin sits at Kwantlen's Club Night on March 3. She is in the process of starting up the Kwantlen Student Society.
Leah Godin, a third-year criminology student, is in the process of making the Criminology Student Society a reality again.
Up until last year, there was a Kwantlen Criminology Club, but according to Godin, the club dissolved after the club’s president graduated and no one took over the role.
Now Godin is encouraged and excited to bring it back to Kwantlen. But this time as a society, instead of a club. One of her instructors just thought it sounded better that way.
“I’ve announced it to a few of my classes, and I’m getting the instructors to tell their classes,” Godin said. “There are a bunch of people who are really excited about doing it, so it’s just the initial bit. You need to get so many people to sign up, which isn’t that much really, it’s only like 10 members.”
Godin had about 10 people sign up at the Kwantlen Club Night alone, which was on March 3 at the Grassroots Cafe.
The society will start out with a general meeting to see what students want from the society. Then, once it’s up and running, there will be field trips, talks given by instructors from Kwantlen and other post-secondary institutions, movie nights, pub nights, discussion groups, as well as information on how students can get involved in their community.
This club is open to all Kwantlen students, not just criminology students.
“I don’t want to cut anyone out of an opportunity because they might actually realize that they really like criminology and maybe later major in it,” Godin said.
It’s clear that Godin is passionate about starting up the Criminology Student Society.
“For some reason, this semester I’ve been getting really involved with what’s going on around campus,” Godin said. “The possibilities are endless, and I just feel that all Kwantlen students should be able to embrace what’s out there and what’s available.”
If you’re interested in joining the Criminology Student Society, email Godin.
Events for students: Fright Nights at the PNE
November 1, 2010 by Brian Russell · Leave a Comment
Talysa Dhahan and Brian Russell visited Fright Nights at the PNE on Oct. 23 for the first in a series of reports on events for students.
What’s it like to go speed dating?
November 1, 2010 by Jocelyn Gollner · Leave a Comment
I hadn’t really on going to the KSA’s speed-dating event, but decided to after one of my fellow single friends suggested that it might be fun to see what it was all about.
Conveniently, she “forgot” to sign up in time so I decided to go solo. I had never been speed dating before, so I was nervous: What if we had nothing to talk about? What if they were all freaks?
When I signed in at the Grassroots Cafe around 4 p.m. on Oct. 21, I was given a name tag, an ice-breaker question sheet and a pen.
Instructions on the ice-breaker sheet ranged from “Find someone who speaks three languages” to “Find someone who has worked at McDonalds.”
Normally, I absolutely hate ice-breaker exercises. They seem like a forced way to get people to talk to each other. In this situation it wasn’t too bad, though. People were friendly and the ice-breaker seemed to relax them.
Once the ice-breaker was over, everyone went to sit at a previously assigned table, which was appropriately decorated with black tablecloths and little candles. The speed dating began.
Each female person was allotted five minutes with spend with each male person. You talked, found out a little bit about the other person, and decided if you had a connection or not. If you thought you would like to see the person you were talking to again, you would write “yes” beside their name in a booklet everyone was given before the dating. If you didn’t really feel a connection with the person, you had to write “no” beside their name.
Once the five minutes was up, the guys would rotate to the next table and a new date would begin.
It was actually interesting to talk to all of the guys. Everyone seemed really down to earth, which was nice.
I had thought that I would be getting the “He’s so creepy, get me out of this situation NOW” thought, but I didn’t.
(Of course, the nice thing with speed dating is that even if you do get that he’s-creepy-get-me-the-hell-out-of-here vibe, you only need to spend five minutes talking to them. You don’t need to have your friend call you and fake a family emergency.)
Not every guy that I talked to was the type of guy that I would date, but talking to them for five minutes was fine. Fun even.
At the end of the event, we all handed in our booklets with the names of the people we would like to see again. It was then the organizers job to look to see if both people felt a mutual connection. If there was a match, they would send out the other’s contact information to each participant.
I got an e-mail from the organizers at the Speed Dating event the other day, telling me that there was no mutual connections for me this time.
That’s fine. I had a good time at the event and don’t regret going.
If your one and only concern is coming out of the speed dating with a date lined up, you may be disappointed. But if you go with the intent to meet some interesting fellow Kwantleners, and maybe get a date in the process, you’ll have a good time regardless of the outcome.
When the next Kwantlen speed dating event comes around, I’ll be letting my single friends know where to go to find a potential date, or, if not that, spend a fun couple of hours.
RELATED: Students turn out for speed dating at Kwantlen
Podcast: Kwantlen team participates in the AIDS Walk for Life
September 29, 2010 by Brian Russell · Leave a Comment
Kwantlen staff and students took part as a team in the AIDS Walk for Life in Vancouver on Sept. 19. Talysa Dhahan and Brian Russell share interviews from and discuss the walk, and also look at upcoming events students might enjoy.
SLD hopes to get 300 participants in this year’s Get Involved Week
September 19, 2010 by Sarah Casimong · Leave a Comment

Kwantlen's annual Get Involved - Give Back Challenge Week has over 30 events happening from Sept. 20-25. Each campus hosts different activities, including ice hockey, yoga, dance classes and kickboxing. (Graphic by Sarah Casimong)
With more than 30 activities and a good cause to support, Kwantlen’s student leadership and development hopes to see an increase in participation in this year’s Get Involved – Give Back Challenge Week.
“[We had] 60 students and 20 employees [involved] last year,” Kurt Penner, coordinator of student leadership and development, said. It was the first time that there were more students than staff involved, and they raised more than $700 for Free The Children’s education campaign.
The aim for this year is not only to raise a bit more for the charity, but to also get more people involved.
“We’re trying to improve that to 300 [people] this year,” said Penner. “The primary goal is actually the community building. It’s really a secondary goal to generate some funds for charity. If we could raise $1,000, we’d be happy at this point.”
The event is an opportunity for students to show their school spirit by participating in challenges and trying a variety of activities. Each campus has its own calendar of events, including yoga, Zumba dance classes, belly dancing, ice hockey and kickboxing. There are also fun challenges like tug-of-war, Scrabble and a turban-tying contest. In addition to campus activities, there are events happening off campus, such as climbing the Grouse Grind.
There is a minimum $10 donation fee, 100 per cent of which goes to Free The Children.
According to Penner, Free The Children was chosen because the international charity supports young people in underprivileged areas.
“Free The Children organization supports educational programs and it seemed like a good step to have the charity be part of something educational,” said Penner.
According to the charity’s official site, its goal is to “free children from poverty and exploitation and free young people from the notion that they are powerless to affect positive change in the world.”
It has successfully built more than 650 school around the world.
Get Involved – Give Back Week starts Sept. 20 and ends Sept. 25. For more information, see the event website.
First poetic readings of semester show lively creative writing scene
October 2, 2009 by Kristi Jut · 1 Comment

Chris Hutchinson reads from his latest book "Other People's Lives," at the Surrey campus on Monday, Sept. 26. (Kristi Jut photo)
There’s much ado about the creative writing program at Kwantlen.
Though the first live poetry reading of the semester was attended by a modest group of 20-some students, the small crowd was lively and inquisitive on Monday, Sept. 28.
The reading featured noted B.C. poets Marguerite Pigeon and Chris Hutchinson, who came to speak with the students about the nature of writing.
Each read from their latest published works, featuring vastly different poetic styles, yet both agreed on the writing process as natural and instinctual.
Hutchinson, wearing a mustard-yellow sweater and wool cap, read from his poetry anthology “other people’s lives,†with a Ginsberg-esque drone and ‘60s-‘70s beat tonality.
“My process is very intuitive, I never know where a poem is going to take me,†he said.
Pigeon’s book “Inventory,†on the other hand, explored her relationships with inanimate objects, personifying, beautifully, their attributes.
The students had much to ask the established writers about the writing process, including their inspirations and their roadblocks.
“Resist!†Hutchinson laughed, addressing situations when being told the correct way to formulate poems.
But can creative writing really be taught? Kwantlen students wanted to know.
“It’s a funny thing to have writing in school because it puts two things that are at odds together,†Pigeon said. “It’s built like that [because] it pushes people through learning whether they like it or not and they come out a little more structured. But at the same time writing is not about following any structure, it’s very intuitive.â€
So where is the creative writing program going?
“The program is going towards integrating with the interdisciplinary arts,†said creative writing professor Matthew Rader. The program, which has already grown by over one-third in enrolment this year, has several possible outcomes.
“[Learning writing is important] because writing to start with is the primary negotiator in all disciplines and [excellence] is achieved by imagination in that skill,†said Rader.
Pigeon assured students that all people are writers, whether it be filling out surveys, chatting on facebook or sitting down to write some fiction.
Still, when it came to serious writing, some students said that they couldn’t help but be defensive about their work.
“The more you write,†Pigeon offered, “the less you care that one thing you wrote was bad.â€
Pigeon said she wanted to write her entire life, but didn’t think it would be realistic, so she was “a journalist instead.â€
“If you believe in writing,†she said, “it will save you.†That is the sentiment that Rader wanted to get across by having live readings in school.
“[I want] to show aspiring writers that professional writers exist,†he said. “There’s a chance that these people are like us and they’re right here.â€
According to Rader, there are five different possible futures for the creative writing students at Kwantlen, but at the moment it’s important for “people in university to be engaged in the community.â€
To keep in touch with the writing program at Kwantlen, follow them on Twitter or attend these readings:
- Oct. 22: Jan Conn, 1 p.m., Room D224, Surrey
- Oct. 28: Marilyn Simonds, 6 p.m., Room D144, Surrey
- Nov. 3: Sachiko Murakami, 2 p.m., Room D224, Surrey
- Dec. 29: Elizabeth Bachinsky/Open Mic, Time and location TBA
Find a Valentine’s Day squeeze at Langley’s speed-dating bash
The Langley Kwantlen Student Association is putting on its first-ever speed-dating event on Feb. 11, just in time to find a last minute date for Valentine’s Day.
The idea came from Jennifer Campbell, campus representative for the Langley campus. She recognized that there were a lot of singles on campus and found that there was an interest when the KSA did a survey last September.
Speed-dating events are popular at universities, she said. If successful, the KSA will look into putting them on at other Kwantlen campuses.
“I think it’s good because it’s a way for students to get to know each other through different programs,†she said.
“A lot of times if you’re in a set program, all you see are those people. Although those people may be nice, they may not be the match you’re looking for.â€
The speed-dates will take place on-campus, in the cafeteria from 7-9 pm. They will be about five minutes long and students will receive a package of icebreaker questions at each table. At the end of each date, students will write down whether they like the other, and if there’s a match, they will receive each another’s email at the end of the event.
“This gives a chance for students of all different backgrounds and different dreams about what their schooling is a chance to get to know each other and maybe find a match — or maybe find a new friend.â€
If you want to join, visit the Langley campus and register at the Kwantlen Student Association. Sign-up sheets are on the door of the KSA office.
Power Smart teams wades through campus to promote contest
September 27, 2008 by David Pires · Leave a Comment

Angela MacDonald of the Power Smart team, making the pitch for Power Smart's competition for students. (David Pires photo)
Angela MacDonald’s sales pitch doesn’t get any simpler than that.
MacDonald, a member of BC Hydro’s Power Smart team, was roaming Kwantlen’s Richmond campus in blue and orange scuba gear on Wednesday promoting Invent the Future, a new online contest that pays you for your energy conservation ideas.
“We’re here trying to convince people to enter their videos and their essays, and we’re trying to promote conservation,†she said, “because our energy demands are going up 45 per cent by 2020 and our infrastructure is about 50 years old.â€
Invent the Future gives B.C. students a shot at a top prize of $2,500 in exchange for a 1,000-word essay or 30- to 60-second video detailing their energy conservation idea.
The goal, according to BC Hydro, is to find ideas that foster energy conservation or discover a “new technology or innovative practice” resulting in increased efficiency.
The contest, open to individuals or teams, ages 13-29, has a second prize of $1,000 and an iPod Touch for the people’s choice in each category.
Anyone can vote for their favorite entry online until Nov. 4, and simply for registering, voters are entered into a draw for four iPod Nano’s.
The deadline for entries is Oct. 31, and more information is available online at
Green Wednesdays push sustainability, healthier living
September 23, 2008 by Cori Alfreds · Leave a Comment
Kwantlen’s Langley campus will promote environmentally-conscious ideas in a new series called Green Wednesdays. Every second Wednesday of each month will be devoted to movies that deal with environmental issues, as well as presentations about sustainability and healthy living.
Gary Jones, horticulture instructor at Kwantlen, is putting on the event along with the Green Ideas Network. Jones says that the event is open to everyone because “we want what we do here to be relative to the community.”
Jones said that last semester, they put on a similar event called the Environment Around Us, which was held only three times in the spring. He said that they had a great turnout and, by the last event, they had 120 people show up.
This year, the Green Ideas Network approached Jones and said it wanted to get involved and include its movie picks in the itinerary. Jones, along with students from Kwantlen and the horticulture sector, set up the evening, bring in guest speakers and make sure that everything is running smoothly.
The Green Ideas network, consists of two women, Doreen Dosdwell and Joyce Rostron. It’s a non-profit society, based in Surrey. Jones said that Dewell and Roston share his goal for the environmental series, which is “to make people more aware of issues surrounding food security, community development landscape, housing development.”
Jones said that he hopes people will leave the series with an idea about issues such as sustainability, alternatives to oil and challenges to the food supply. He hopes that people will teach these issues to other members of their communities so people will “decide to do something, specifically, that they can implement themselves and make a change on a local level.”
The first Green Wednesday will be held Wednesday, Oct. 8 at the Langley campus auditorium. King of Corn, a movie about farmers finding out what happens to their crops in a “fast-food nation.” Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $7 for the general public and $4 for students.
Setting the table
September 1, 2008 by mark · Leave a Comment
The Canadian Chinese Table Tennis Federation is coming Kwantlen, hosting a tourney Sept. 20 and the invitation has gone out to students and employees to form a team and get in on the action. E-mail Xing Liu or Hasan Pasha for details.