KSA intramurals at Kwantlen’s Richmond campus
October 3, 2010 by Paul Fleischanderl · Leave a Comment
KSA offers at Kwantlen’s Richmond Campus five fitness classes: Yoga, Boot Camp Circuit Training, Kickboxing, Group Groove and Group Centregy. All classes are held at the Blossoming Lotus Studio (Room 1320) in Richmond. Membership is $25/30 a month, drop-in purchases are available at KSA Member Services.

One of KSA's information desks with flyers for this semester's intramurals. (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)

Eddie Lee with an elastic band, instructor Travis Tomlin is blurred in the background. (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)

David Yao's yoga class in the Blossoming Lotus Studio on Wednesdays 5:15pm to 6:15pm. (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)

Movement at Yao's yoga class. The first 30 minutes of the class are active... (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)

Kickboxing instructors Milo and Marcy Hilario show movements and combinations in their Monday class (4pm - 5pm). There is a second session on Wednesdays. (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)

Participants at Kickboxing train in there bare feet and sport clothes. (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)

Yoga instructor Miki Tse in a yoga possition during one of her Monday sessions. Session 1 is from 11:55am to 12:55pm, session 2 from 1pm - 2pm. (Photo by Paul Fleischanderl)
Nintendo Wii makes students healthii
February 3, 2010 by Jacob Zinn · 1 Comment

Ivy Mendoza and Heather Poirier ran the sign-up booth for the Wii tournament, which the KSA hopes will get Richmond students involved in recreation. (Jacob Zinn photo)
The Kwantlen Student Association loves Wii.
Last week, students signed up for the KSA-run Nintendo Wii tournament at Kwantlen’s Richmond campus.
The Wiimote-toting tourney, which is scheduled to run through April, will feature selections from the Wii Sports video game, from boxing to bowling.
“Everyone takes turns and they go up against each other and they win prizes,” said Heather Poirier, a KSA volunteer at the Wii Heart Wii booth.
The dates for each competition are tentative. Boxing will likely be in early February, tennis in early March, golf in late March and bowling in April.
Registration for the tournament has ended, but Eddie Lee of the Student Health Improvement Program hopes the games will encourage students to become more physically active and join fitness classes.
Ivy Mendoza, another volunteer, said, “He’s really advocating for intramural sports.”
The school is only offering basketball this semester for intramurals and registration has ended, but other types of recreation such as pilates and yoga are alternative options.
Though Lee isn’t sure if other universities have added the Nintendo Wii to their fitness programs, he hopes to engage students and improve student life. He hopes that making exercise convenient for students will increase participation.
The yoga and pilates classes have steadily increased in attendance since last semester, but spots are still available and drop-ins are welcome. Kickboxing filled up quickly and is unable to accept any more applicants.
For more information on intramural programs, fitness schedules and prices, visit the SHIP website or email Eddie Lee.